Suffering from painful shyness and being one of those less than approachable people, has always kept my group of friends on the smallish side….tight as hell but small none the less. The one thing I have discovered about blogging, is my group…it’s growing! Not sure what it is about the anonymity of the glowing screen that seems to open people up but whatever it is, I’m thankful for it, and find myself tucked in with an amazing group of supportive, intellectual and damn funny people that thankfully share my love…okay, obsession about wine. I wanted to take a quick second to thank my fellow bloggers for their continued support, interesting reads, laughs, and in one case tears, by spotlighting their blogs here on Samantha Sans Dosage.
Blogging is kind of a thankless task, many of us do it in our free time for no money with only the love of wine pushing us along, (see there, I made it seem like we were training for a marathon or something…dramatic much?!) that and the hope that somewhere, someone is finding pleasure, information or inspiration in our prose. I know for me, seeing the traffic on my site thrills me to no end and when someone takes the time to post a comment….well, it makes it all worth it. So I implore you dear readers, check these guys out…always something interesting, sometimes silly and always full of heartfelt enthusiasm.

Benito's Wine Reviews
I have to start with Benito, he was the first wine blogger to return an email to me, (well, I had only dropped a line to two others, but still) and he has supported me more than I can even tell you. He answers my “Please help me” emails with volumes of information and even went as far as to use his background in graphic design, to create the super cute header of this blog…I still cannot believe I was lucky enough to stumble on such a sweetheart but I am unbelievably grateful…and often humbled by his support and kindness, oh and on top of all that I thoroughly enjoy his posts about wine, cocktails and cooking adventures!

Besotted Ramblings and Other Drivel
Besotted Ramblings & Other Drivel was a natural for me, Peter Liem is an American living in Champagne and he blogs about…well, mostly about Champagne but by no means is it limited to that, noodles and Sake and Sherry Oh MY! He is a professional writer so his posts are beyond easy on the eyes and there is a richness to his style that lets you feel his passion and tremendous knowledge but in a way that is not at all “snooty”. He was one of the people that blogrolled, (linked my blog to his) early on, (without even telling me by the way…I was just scrolling down reading one of his posts and BLAMO there was my blog linked, felt all Rock Star and junk) and I value his Champagne palate more than any other.

Fermentation is a blog mostly about the wine industry, full of stats and the latest in the biz but Tom Wark will go off the rails once in awhile and post these fun, thought provoking or in the case of the post I read this morning, (Memories of Broken Glass and Mothers)….painfully beautiful pieces that keep the blog from being too industry for the casual reader. Tom flattered me beyond belief when he interviewed me and posted the “Bloggerview” on his site, which brought me a flood of new readers, and has been leading the charge for wine bloggers far longer than I have even been blogging. Always something interesting to read and Tom inspires some fun comments by some really passionate people.

Dirty South Wine
Hardy Wallace from Dirty South is a fairly new friend, I had seen his blog a few times but always seemed to stumble in where there was a video link, which I’ll admit, I don’t often click on…just a thing with me, tv is for watching and the computer is for reading…he is quickly changing my mind about that. He first raised my eyebrow when I read a few of his brilliantly written comments on the eBob, (Robert Parker) board, responding to the thread about blogger credibility. He took a swipe at the “crusty old wine dude” way of thinking, in a way that just made those dudes look foolish, I dug that. Then my friend Benito told me I had to check out Hardy’s site because he was sure I would like, and appreciate Hardy’s less than serious take on wine….as always Benito was right. We are now reading each other’s blogs and we are even friends on facebook…see my group is growing! Hardy is currently competing for his dream job as a blogger for Murphy Goode winery, he needs votes to make this happen…so I’m asking all my readers to click on the link below and vote for Hardy, let’s bring a little Dirty South to northern California and a bit of fun to a historically “serious” industry!
Vote for Hardy
Just wanted to share with all of you, some of the people that have helped, entertained and supported me and this blog for awhile, thank you to all the bloggers I mentioned above, (to those I did not include I will be doing another of these posts in a week or two) and as always thank you to all who read this silly blog about a girl who, drinks and eats too much but laughs a lot….your support means the world to me!
Right back at ya, doll. Keep up the good work.
P.S. Happy Mother's Day!
Ditto my friend, ditto!
Great pics and write-ups of these guys, Sam! Funny thing, I never even knew what most of these writers looked like...... thanks for these pics! A handsome wine-loving bunch! :)
Thanks Samantha!
This is an amazing crew and I'm not worthy!!! (Except for maybe the part that Nancy said about us being all handsome and stuff ; )
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