Thursday, August 22, 2019

No Words

Before I embark on sharing my words I thought I might prepare you for, my new look. 
Been through it yet...
Still fighting

Still untamed....

Still splitting at the seams with love....
Still me.
I've not forgotten to be here
Just trying to figure out where to start, figured starting with the right now is as good a time as any.
Coming very soon
All this silly, old, uglier but still here


  1. the Italians have this saying, "Non ce' rosa senza spina," you cant have a rose without the thorns....git after it, sister, can't wait...

  2. Alfonso,
    Love that. Thank you. Still planning on returning but have been slammed at work with a TON of events...and some drama from a self inflated and entitled coworker that seems to think the rest of the staff, including me, should do ALL the work so he can piss about in his department. Has my nerves and jaw right on the edge but I am settling into being there for my customers and finding new wines to share with them. Just needing to find the time to unstick my heels and make the time to flaot here with you lovely folks. Hugs to you my dear friend.

  3. Miss me some Sam! "Here" is special, as 10 years have gone ... holy hell ... somewhere. Being in this blog space, has become somewhat of a retreat from all of the "other" stuff going on in life. But would we be here without all that "other" stuff? Either way, if I could hug you I would. Val xx
