Thursday, July 25, 2019

Time For Me


My heart is finding ways to fill
My mind is spinning with things to say
My lip is sore from the biting of it


That means 


  1. I sure hope so! Have missed you. Hope all is well.

  2. webb,
    How are you dear friend? I have been thinking of returning for just about a year now but have had some....issues that I let keep me from it. I need to feel vibrant, alive, needed again and when I can contribute and make people feel, well that is when I feel at my best. This picture of my son and my niece Emily made me feel charged again. I miss me too...
    Wish me luck at finding the courage and energy to return. I have missed you guys too.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Deleted Comment...sorry to see you go.

    Still gearing up but having too much negative has been too much to take. Time to let myself feel alive and good again. Feel proud of myself and dusting off my "vocal" cords. Thanks for the welcome!

  5. I knew that you'd come back. You have too much grace and style to just vanish without a proper good-bye (?bad-bye?). Like a love sick suitor, I've stood outside your internet window and gazed at your darkened shade every week for the past year. How I've longed for your passion, your verve, your courage. Thank you for coming back to us. WtE

  6. Winey,
    I had wondered how many of you had forgotten me, your lovely note made my heart swell. I am not sure how much detail I will start with but the last two years have been some of th most difficult I've gone through....well, for the longest amount of time. Just one hit after another and I just started to feel like a roach that was being hit with a rolled up paper. Just kept smashing my shell and spine, my legs not strong enough to hold me up. Sounds awfully dramatic, and negative, which is not how I wish to be or how I want anyone to think of me. I needed to step away and now it's time for me to start my journey back to, well back to me. I cannot tell you how humbled I am to think you might be along for the emotional therapy I am seeking. Thank you sweet Winey. Thank you always.
    Big Hugs to you
