Thursday, April 25, 2013


You miss me yet? Blog world has been so quiet as of late I wasn't sure I should even bother filling everyone/anyone in on the doings out here in Girona. Figured I should just come on by and ask. Sort of the "If a blogger takes a poo in the woods and there's no one there to see it" sort of deals. 

Here are a couple pictures to ogle in the meantime.

Hugs and kisses.


  1. Jeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaallllllloooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuusssssssssssss!

  2. Marcia,
    Well seeing as you are the only one that gives a rat's ass, I'll private message you on Facebook and just ignore this here silly place!
    Thanks for chiming in, nice to see that at least one person was curious. Look for my messages lady!

  3. Dude, you got to give us a chance to respond at least! We totally want to hear about your trip and since your weather is looking to be turning cooler and wetter (yes I am silently stalking even your weather - not like you have provided a whole lot else to stalk) you should totally at least give us some synopses! We are dying here in the f-ing snow!
    Love you....

  4. My Gorgeous Samantha,

    You're not supposed to even give a blogger's poop what's going on in the damned blogosphere. You're in Girona. We're not. Stay the hell off FaceBook and go out and enjoy the lousy weather, eat weird food, drink cool wines, dream about me, and get back to us when you get home.

    Do we miss you? Yes. But we also know you're on vacation. We're all jealous, but, I hope, not needy.

    Maybe I won't post until you get home either.

    I love you, Gorgeous!

  5. Definitely missing you, but enjoy your trip and then tell us everything when you get home!

  6. I miss you! You're so close, yet still so far away :( xxoo

  7. I'm still reading! And would love to hear about your trip

  8. Hey All,
    Due to rain and lots of it, the internet has been wicked slow or, at times, not really working at all, so I haven't been able to spend much time that it seems too many of you were expecting it. I will write when I can!

  9. Do it till you're satisfied.

  10. Whatever it is...

  11. wineknurd,
    Well now here back at home and suffering from some crazy ass jet lag sleeping is what I want to
    (yawning) Thanks for checking in and the encouragement!

  12. Winey My Sweet,
    You sir, you just melted my heart. I confess to feeling sort of....frigid with regards to the whole wine blog world as of late, too much redundant squawking from some and too much silence from others. Feels weird out here and I have been considering just letting the old blog here slip into "Hey, do you remember that one chick that wrote that blog?" oblivion. Not there yet but sort of stuck on where to sink my teeth in to start the next bite. Make any sense? Anyway, I love that you came here and adore that you care enough to miss I said, melted me and maybe a big shot of that meltey liquid is what this frigid heart needed. Consider your face positively covered in kisses. Consider yourself embedded and your words not only heard but felt.
