Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Can You See?

The red tail lights?
I’m headed for Spain….
I can see Daniel waving goodbye, looks like Daniel, must be the clouds in my eyes...

Just about to start packing and in a few hours a car will pull up to the front of my apartment building, here to gather me, a handful of my belongings and my husband and deposit us at a dingy but likely bustling international terminal at LAX where I am going to board a double-decker Air France plane and sail off to Paris for a quick layover before landing in Barcelona. It’s finally here, departure day, I’m off to Spain and it just so happens to fall on the anniversary of the sixth month of being smoke free. Perfect.

Cannot wait to feel the air in Girona. See the lush green fields. Smell the dust as our car turns down the dirt road that leads to the farmhouse that we will be calling home for the next couple weeks. Feel my feet crunch the tiny pebbles as I approach the front door, turn the heavy metal key, feel my dried out frame begin to plump and expand as I give myself over to soaking it all in…

So ready for this.
Adios Me Amigos
See you on the other side!


  1. Have the bestest time ever, and if you should get a little time, do drink a bit of local wine. Ok?

  2. Yay, have fun! I hope you eat and drink well!

  3. Webb,
    Had some time to check email here at the airport while waiting for my flight to Barcelona and guess what else I'm doing? Yup drinking some local. French wines!

    Rogue Love,
    So you might dig this, the little local wine that is serve yourself here in the Air France Lounge, 2010 Beaucastel Chateauneuf-du-Pape blanc. It's just sitting there begging for us to pour free glass after free glass...pretty cool no? I am planning on eating and drinking well and from the little I know of Girona, think I might have to be mildly retarded to not.

  4. there's nothing like that feeling... smell the dust and crunch the pebbles for us, too, lady! :) have fun... will look forward to following along..

  5. Jeremy,
    Well thanks for popping by kiddo and I hope to have plenty of time to write and keep everyone posted!

  6. So stinkin' happy for you! Seriously. xoxo
