Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tasting Notes.....

Okay last night there were 2 of these....

Which just made me need more of these....

Tonight is this

And to spice things up a little....


This sucks


  1. (Reposted with an actual link)

    All I could think about was this:

    Lewis Black on Nyquil

    And I hope you get to feeling better soon. :)


  2. Oh shit, I'm heading out to get a 1.75 of Ketel One, a decent 750 ml of Cognac, and open one of my remaining Chidaine roses to wash it down, c'mon girl.. we can beat this.

    Love, hugs, and vibes,

    Your adoring PolarBear

  3. Ben,
    I think Lewis Black is brilliant and that right there had me laughing so hard I think I knocked part of my yuck loose. Sorry, that was gross.

    Lets do this! (whimpering sounding rawr...)

  4. Lewis Black said...

    I'M SO freaking GLAD that my COMEDY loosened your PHLEGM. (Points angrily, sweats a bit, veins pulse on forehead).


  5. Hope you feel better soon, these colds are everwhere even sunny Cali.

  6. When I was in the Air Force, a bottle of Nyquil for my cold was exactly what I needed to fall asleep on guard duty.

  7. I am right there with ya. Been sick since Saturday. What's getting me through is DayQuil, Hall's, and Buffalo Trace. Hope ya get to feeling better.

  8. TWG,
    This thing is bloody awful...even calling in sic today and I assure you that is very rare.

    NyQuil is the only reason I am getting any sleep. The stuff has one hell of a timer though, take it and 4 hours later I'm up coughing and in full sweats again. Argh.

    Mine hit me Sunday morning but it was not until Monday that I was flattened. Haven't tried the Bourbon. My husband did buy me a bottle of Chablis yesterday but the very thought of it gave me the shivers...not ready yet.

  9. Try some Single Malted Scotch, neat of course...

  10. I feel for you, really do. I haven't felt normal for over a week now. I'm going crazy with the yuckies.
    I'd send you a cosmic hug but it'd be packed full of Sara germs. Grody.

  11. David,
    Well first of all welcome. Kind of embarrassing to have your fist visit be on my NyQuil post but I hope you stick around...I'm sure I can write something better! Okay so Bourbon and Scotch are what will cure me, well hell if they don't least I will be too sauced to care right?

    Send em. Fuck I am willing to try anything at this point. I've sounded worse but cannot remember the last time I felt worse. Nasty, this thing is just plain nasty. Hope you feel better soon lovely lady.

  12. Sam, through it all, this is one of the funnier bits in the wine blogosphere. Laughter is the best revenge when you have a cold because most of the other stuff does not work anyhow. As my Doc once said, "sometimes colds go away in about eight days; other times, it takes a week and a day".

    A Bourbon A Day !! (when you have a cold)

    Be better,

  13. Yesterday, my wife announced that she thinks she's coming down with a cold. Today, she won't get out of bed!

    Please, please, not me too.

  14. Wild Turkey Daddy,
    See what the HoseMaster leaving has reduced us to?! A post, not even a post...a pictorial about cold medicine is one of the funnier bits floating around the wine blog world...so sad.

    This is simply one of the most wretched colds I think I have ever had. I can still smell and taste but it feels like Tiny is sitting on my chest, that sleeping seems all I am able to muster at this point. Going into work today, just cannot bear the thought of another wasted day on the couch....wish me luck.

    Take a bath in Lysol or something! If hers is anything like mine you DO NOT want it.

    Sadly not yet but I am getting seriously pissed off....maybe that will kick its ass.

  15. So sorry you have the yuck!!
    Bourbon and Nyquil are a great pairing for times like these, just to repeat the wisdom here.

  16. Oh, I do feel for you. Seeing as I'm behind on the bloggage, I'm hoping this lateness finds you better now & that you've sterilized the germs into submission by this point. I know you didn't ask, but I still swear by 4 X cloves of garlic, 2 Tbsp of Organic Cider Vinegar in 8 oz warm H20, and much fennel, licorice, and black pepper tea with ginger, lemon, & eucalyptus honey - every day - you'll stink to holy hell, but those germs won't want to stay long. Yes - I'm also a witch doctor.
