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Crazy Couple Of Days
So I'm eyeballing the shaft of a very long couple days. Not sure how or when I will find time to post, and I just know you are all on pins and needles, aching for the next spittle spattered bit of whatever creeps into this oft wine soaked melon of mine.
Lots of events at the store and working all weekend, even Sunday dag-gum-it, only to have one day off and then I am right back at it with Wine of the Year judging at The Wine Country. Yeah, gots me a ton of stuff loaded on my pre-holiday plate and then, well and then we have the holiday madness.
Been doing some futzing with the blog here. Trying to make things easier for those of you that wish to click on a category and, for whatever reason, read on and on. So I'm tagging and or labeling all my 560 posts, (holy mother of what-the-hell-got-into-me) so as you can see, got more to do than time to do it in. I hope you all bear with me here and since I'm asking for patience and junk....might as well ask for one more thing.
So I have this here survey thing....
Just looking for some feedback from you all. I hope some of you take the time to play along. Humor me if you will and in turn I will honestly answer or address whatever it is you share with me. C'mon lurkers, help a blogger out here.
Just to be fair, seeing as I am momentarily tied up, (Hush Ron) I will share with you the shit that has entertained me over the past few days....tit for tat.
Thanks in advance to all of you that take the time to help this somewhat fumbling, often wordless but longing to scream, bubble wishing and picture stealing wine slinger...
You and your time, I never take them for granted.
What's the prize for the survey?
Word ver: absesses (yikes)
Ohhhhh I should have thought of that. I can tell you that the follow up post to this is going to be rather, interesting. Getting some wild questions over there right now. But as it sits, the prize is my overwhelming appreciation and maybe a face full of virtual kisses....
we'll be here when you get back. The survey was hilarious btw! loved it... :) abbraccione
Thanks darlin'. The survey has been interesting; some very sweet and helpful insight from my readers...some not so sweet and constructive insight from another. Taking it all in as it were.
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