I’ve played it your way
Let you force yourself inside me
Opened up to take you
Felt your fingers in my mouth
Heat against my flesh
Your icy hands around my throat making my breath shoot deep within my chest searching for warmth and quivering in fear….
I’ve played it your way
Unsure what you are telling me but following you aching to know what you mean
My body weak from indulging you
Me, mouth open, crawling back for more
Your unique flavor racing through my head
The craving for just one more taste akin to fingers tugging at my flesh….
I played it your way but today, today it was my turn
Pounding my feet against your heart
Taking your flesh between my teeth
Feeling your milky sweetness melt in my mouth
Fearlessly swallowing big, deep mouthfuls of you
My back straight
My heart open
My want, little fingers against my spine…..
I’ve two more days to feel you slipping beneath my skin
A lifetime to crave more
It’s our game now Friuli
I'm yours as long as you want me
You are mine as long as I have dreams to remind me.....
How am I first to comment again? Oh yeah, I'm retired and have somehow worked blog stalking into my busy schedule.
You know, my very passionate Italian wine teacher once asked on an exam: "Can a glass of wine be sexy? Explain." Instead of all the blah blah blah I spewed onto the paper, I'd have been better to just write, "Yes. See www.sansdosage.com. Ora dammi una sigaretta, per favore." And I don't even smoke, but damn, woman, can you write!
I believe this is one of my favorite posts yet, along with "Shut up While I Drink a Glass of You" and the dirty Chardonnay up against the bathroom wall post last April.
oh my..
comin' home now? like right now, please!!! :)
Well, I think that means you like it! I've been telling my Mitchell about your writing and he didn't really get what I was telling him - until today.
Where do we get our hands - er, mouths - on this wonderful stuff?
Enjoy your last two days!
Dunno why you are once again the first but lady....I am so grateful to have you. Gotta say my heart has been breaking a bit...missing home and the voices that sustain me. You are a welcome hug and I cannot tell you how much it means to me to find you here...
2 more days kid and thank you so much for your support on this trip. I know this whole blogging thing is not your cup of tea but....you have no idea how sweet it is to feel you in my corner.
Awe, that is just the sweetest thing. Here I have been feeling all forgotten about and you are sharing me with your Mitchell...needed to hear that in the worst way. When I get back I will help you try and find the wines if you so wish...I owe you huge for being here when I needed you!
That was beautiful....point taken. Thank you so much for all of your support during this adventure, means the world to me.
Wow, I can't believe Carl commented... he must really be missing you.
I think you need a disclaimer on your blog- "need wine and/or smokes while reading".
Another Day of Crazy,
I know right? Nice to be missed I have to say...
I'll work on that disclaimer, might take me a year or two but...
Hey, how you doin', A.D.O.C.??? You free tomorrow?
Wow - HOT! Glad you're having such a smokin' time, Sam!
That region will do it to you. Did it to me.
Do hope you can get to see Trieste somehow.
Oh Call-O, never fear, you're not rid of me yet... I've some serious couch time in store. Then it'll be all sorts of naughty talk!
WOOT!!! Visions of pillow fights and lingerie dancing in my head!!!
How are you going to keep them down on the farm after they have seen Fruili?
Steady on, Sam. I have never been on a wine trip that I did not enjoy, did not meet new wines that turned my head, made me wish I could stay longer.
That's the beauty of these outings. We learn, we love, we come home. When the bell rings,we go again.
Glad things have gone the way you wanted them to.
All these posts are great, Sam. The titles creative, witty, the writing strong, engaging; now i know why you were looking for "honey on flesh."
And I see you have an award! Congrats, hella, as they say in the nor cal.
Are you ever going to lead a wine tour? Like take a group of filthy minded, over eating, over drinking, wine-obsessed civilians to Europe, say? Because S and I would fit right the hell in! If anything like that may exist in the future, we want to know about it.
Much love as always you dear girl.
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