Thursday, October 17, 2013

Over And Over Again

I Remember The Way That You Move…

Pure in your desire to make me understand you…..

I do you know, remember the way you move

The way your voice spread through me
The way you shared your soul
Opened up to me and let me see…You
Where you came from
Where you might go
What might await me should I wait…

I will you know, I will be here hopelessly waiting

Just You….
Making my mouth water for Until…

My fingers here, twisted and aching to tell everyone how perfectly not perfect you are..

My greed whispering in my ear, warning me not to share, to keep you for my very own..

The pulsing of muscles along my sides letting me know how deeply you have slipped beneath my skin
The tightness of my ribs assuring me that the heart I once owned now beats at the hand and whim of another

Cannot stop thinking of You…

Stiff, fingers gripped and white as I think of the way you felt when my lips took you in

Mouth wet and slippery, breath escaping my chest in tiny tufts, I was dominant until you arrived
How can I make anyone understand how right this is
How your imperfect shape slips perfectly into mine
How nakedly I spread for you, ready and willing to feel each inch of you
The collision of doughy saltiness and ready to be taught palate

You and I….

I do
I will
Over and over again…

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