Monday, July 29, 2013

Begging You

Can You Let Me

Be Me?

Be that me that only you can see

Let me say what I want

Feel what I need

Let my heart fall out

Watch as I unbutton slowly and step out from behind the cover of kindness

Run your cold metal key along my armor and expose my gentle flesh

Can You?

Can you let me be the me I sometimes need to be?

Will you run your tongue along my steel

Let me shimmy and warm to your touch

Hold my head while I tell you that I’m tired….

Tired of being strong

A fighter

Tough enough.

Can you let me tuck myself into you

Nurse from your soft and full nipple

Remind me that I don’t care what they think

Hold me tight while I writhe and curse

Plant your calloused thumb across my lips

Touch me just enough to inspire my legs, mind and heart to spread

Can You?

Will You?

Won’t You…

Please, I need you more than you know




Five seconds ago…

I need You


Hold me

Fill me

Reassure me 

Feed me

Feel me

Use me....

Kiss me goodnight

Can You?



  1. Samantha, this post is brilliant... simply, absolutely, and ingeniously brilliant...

    I can't conceal my wish to set this to music... may I? (ok if not)...

    oh and what vintage De Montille?

    I've only had the chance to taste on a few occasions... what a wine...

    great post!

  2. Can't think of a better way to describe the seductive silk of Volnay wines.

  3. Jeremy,
    Of course you can set it to music, feel free sweetheart and thank you so much for the enthusiasm. The vintage on the Montille is a 2004, a magnum...dude. Been embarrassingly fortunate to drink lots and lots of De Montille in the past 10 years and I can say without hesitation it is one of my favorite Burgundy houses. Congratulations again to you and Tracie on the lovely Lila!

    Well hell love, what a humbling comment. Thank you.

  4. My Gorgeous Samantha,
    "Watch as I unbutton slowly and step out from behind the cover of kindness."

    Simply, that's worthy of the greatest poet.

    What a lovely gift you have, Samantha. Thank you for sharing it so openly and beautifully here.


    I love you!

  5. Anything i could say would be pathetically inane. You have a true gift.

  6. Ron My Love,
    Your words are once again far too generous but I love you for trying. Waiting Until and I love you too!

    Dunno lady, those words melted me so I think you are doing just fine.

  7. Samantha, It was a pleasure to meet you today! Thank you for your advice. What a brilliant allegory!.

  8. Keith,

    It was very nice meeting you and helping you pick some wines this afternoon. Thank you so much for coming in and please forgive my pink cheeked response to your telling me you hang around this silly place of mine. Always throws me...flatters the hell out of me but throws me. Enjoy those wines and be sure to tell me what worked and didn't for you! Thanks again for all your kind words...means the world to me.

  9. That stepping out of the cover of kindness gave it a whole new spin, and did not make me think of poetry. More like crushing a two-seater vat of mourvedre. purty good.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.
