Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Still recovering from yesterday morning's kick in the gut via the Voter's Rights Act being gutted and last night's screaming, emailing, sending my support via internet and dollars to my new hero Wendy Davis as she stood for....for all of us women and stopped a vote to pass one of the 624 measures, in 2013 alone, that would rule, govern a woman's body, (hey here's a fun little fact, know how many measures have been before any court or legislator  regarding a man's body, ever? 0, fucking zero. Yeah, Wendy and her back brace, strong voice and courageous heart are my Obi Wan Kenobi) and the massive hangover I woke with after trying to self medicate upon reading that had it not been for Wendy that archaic law would have passed, 19-10, (thank you, thank you, thank you Wendy and the 1000s of protesters that lent their voice and discourse) to hear that the same Supreme Court that punched my belly yesterday had in fact come down on the side of marriage equality. 

I stumbled my hazy headed self to the coffee pot this morning, not noticing at first that the television was even on, an oddity anymore in my morning at home, grumbled some sort of greeting to my still fearful looking, (he was here last night, heard me RAWR!!!) but mildly beaming husband and as the black nectar splashed into my mug I heard it....felt it as the words, "On this historic day the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of gay marriage" the clink of the spoon as I dropped it into the still steaming cup and lunged at my laptop. I went to Facebook and was wrapped up and rejoicing with people there but that wasn't what I went to the laptop for. I scrolled, read, laughed and cried as I read the hundreds of comments and responses but it was a memory I had come for and I found it in the picture that is at the top of this post. The wedding day of two men that I adore, the day I flew to Memphis to be a part of and that feeling in the pit of my tummy as I watched them exchange their vows and promises, knowing the whole time that their union would not be protected and honored as mine. Now, now as I look at that photo I see that beam of sunshine just above Michael and Kelly as they stood in the backyard of the home they own professing their love for one another, I see it as one of enlightenment and a source of tremendous hope. A much needed and profoundly happy one.


  1. Have spent the day in happy tears for my friends and outr country. Yesterday, not so good. Guess you know by now that the Texas gov has already called another special session to try again. Suspect other women will be lined up for the filabuster this time.

  2. webb,
    Been on and off in tears myself all day. Freaking roller coaster to say the least. I did hear that Prick Perry has called a special session and I've contacted every Planned Parenthood in my area and offered to volunteer nearly every hour I have off from work for the next month. 624 measures about our bodies....those horrifically difficult choices should be discussed between a woman, her doctor and her beliefs, none of us have the right to tell anyone what to do with their bodies and I sure as shit know we aren't allowed to tell a man what to do with theirs. The GOP's fucking brilliant retort to the "Stand with Wendy" thing, the "Sit Down Wendy" bullshit might as well be a, "Get Back In The Kitchen Wendy". Um, yeah, I'm still extremely a human, tax paying, hard working citizen of this "free" country. Argh!!! Oh and I am sure there will be another heroic woman there to stand with 30 days from now but, well wouldn't it be awesome if it were a man? Thanks for feeling me here lady, was pretty sure this would be a "stay away" post for most so I appreciate your comment and sentiment so very much.

  3. Sam,

    When you look at the odds that were against Wendy in Texas, it is astounding what she (and her supporters and the Dems) accomplished.

    Texas offers proves an embarrassment, but not this week.

    ..and as you say, even the Supremes made this week worth experiencing, which they do often enough.

  4. Thomas,
    Really was a remarkable thing to watch and Wendy made me so proud to be not only a democrat and a woman but an American. There are people out there willing to put themselves on the line for my freedoms as well as those that will come years after us. Inspiring to say the very least.

    I've said it before and I will say it again, I hate Texas, I really do but so long as there are people like Wendy there, fighting for a cause that will reach beyond Texas, well I have to give it my heart felt respect.

    The supreme court did make yesterday one full of hope, progressiveness and bunches of tears as we watched people being handed their rights....very emotional and once again, I was proud to be a member of party that has fought for equality. Thanks for weighing in sweetheart.

  5. There are lots of people like Wendy in Texas, it's just hard for them to be heard over the Rick Perry types. But, their voices are getting louder :)

  6. It's been so crazy to follow Wendy and what's been happening (which is SO insane). And it's literally 10 minutes from our house!

    what a week it's been... the voter rights was a huge blow... and of course, in Texas, this is a hot button issue...

  7. Sara,
    Thank Gawd.

    As the father of 2 daughters this issue has to tug at your big heart as much as it does mine. The very thought that there are men, and women in your state that wish to tell your wife and daughters what they can and cannot do with their bodies, regardless of we know this is NOT a health issue, is just horrific to me, and something I am personally willing to walk through fire, or stand for 11 hours like Wendy, to fight against. You and I have talked about that state of yours but this?! Tragic and Mr. Perry is all up in your ladies' business. He needs to be stopped. xoxoxoxox
