Sunday, March 3, 2013

Silent Sunday Sermon

And a magnum of

Can I get an "Amen!"


  1. Winey,
    Fuck I love being in my kitchen, especially when my world is all fucked up. Something about the sounds, the "whoosh" and "crunch" of my blades, the repetitive tick of the burners before the flame bursts to life...the smells as I add a sprinkle of this and a dash of that....that first bite of the flavors I created and the groan of my family as they devour my work. I dig it and it, and with the right wine or cocktail at my, it's like the gospel to me.

  2. A language we have in common...

  3. Sounds like my perfect Sunday!

  4. Thought of you yesterday ... went to a semi-swishy opera event where the champagne flowed freely. I could not drink it. Weird aftertaste. Never in my life have i left champagne in a glass - never! I kept wondering, "What would Sam think?" and "Have I ruined my taste buds drinking crap?"

    Your breakfast makes me feel better ... and you did not drink the same thing!

  5. Jess,
    Better than seeing a therapist for me!

    Day got even better, had to do a obligatory in-law visit for one of my husband's cousins that was in town from the east coast. Wasn't feeling it on my day off but had to go....big platters of round pillowy cheese ravioli draped in pork gravy, a nice salad with a vinegary snap and a six foot something tall, hazel eyed dreamboat that did nothing but talk about his 3 daughters, that he adores, and food/cooking. Oh and he loved the super dry Lambrusco I brought! Yeah...good Sunday indeed.

    I wonder if the bottle you got was off? There is a chance that was the problem but there is also a chance you have ruined yourself for the really cheap stuff....happens for sure an more so with bubbles than still wine in my experience.
