Friday, December 14, 2012

My Heart Goes Out

To the families of Sandy Hook School in Newtown Connecticu
There are no words....
Disbelief and utter heartbreak.

Pray if you are so inclined
Send heartfelt words of support, and if you have children

Turn this off tonight. Protect them from these images and fears, just for the night. Hold them. Kiss them. Read a book or play a board game with them. Look in their faces, know how lucky you are to have them close and tell them how much you love them. The world will still be out there tomorrow, tonight lets be grateful for our kids, the people we love, the parents that were able to rush to the side of their terrified little mindful and heartbroken for the parents that were not. 

Many of the children that were murdered this morning the same age as my beloved wees, the gunman the same age as my son. My heart is just breaking for them all.

To my Jeremy, Tyler and Drew, I love you with all of my heart and am thankful everyday to have you in my life........and I am aching to hug you tight right about now. 

My heart, thoughts and prayers to the parents and families in Sandy Hook. To the silenced voices of those whose lives were just beginning, I am so sorry that we are not deserved better.     


  1. What a tragedy. How do we contnue to deal with losses ike this?

  2. Nancy,
    Thanks Missy.

    I don't know but this just crushed me. Kept thinking about all those parents standing there being reunited with their kids, the relief they must have the parents whose kids weren't there must have felt. Horrific tragedy and we all lost today....

  3. Beautifully written.
    Trying to make sense of the senseless. Thank you.

    Take care,

    Nannette Eaton

  4. Nannette,
    Well that is kind of you to say but I didn't have the time nor the heart to really write anything...and yet I felt I had to say something. Acknowledge the devastation and not be one of those "Oh I can't think about it, it's too depressing" people that I've sadly been talking to today. YOU can't think about it?! Apathy to be is one of the greatest forms of thank you for weighing in here.

    Hugs to everyone, I think we could all use one.
