Wednesday, November 28, 2012

If I Were So Inclined....

I would be doing one of those jumpy-upy-downy things because we just threw down this...

                                                          (Well, the one with my name on it)

For a couple seats on here...

To here...

                                     (Um, Barcelona anyone?!)

Where we will rent a car and trek off to the humble little town that will be our home for two whole stinking weeks!

                                                                (Girona, Spain)

Where there will be...

And most of all....

Cannot freaking wait!


  1. Recommendation: go to Cadaques for a day. I love that seaside village, not too far from Girona. My other recommendations will have to be mentioned to you personally. Hee hee. Sooooo friggin' jealous.

  2. Jo sóc molt gelós.

    Have a great trip! I hope the internet is good there so you can keep us posted. Maybe you can convince our girl Sara in Le Petit Village to make the drive and hang out.

  3. John,
    I hear the joint has wifi even, so you can bet your sweet bippy I will be checking/rubbing in! Oh and Miss Sara and I, already a couple steps ahead of you....did I mention the place we are renting has live five bedrooms....sleep overs are way possible!

    Not till April but I can't wait. To be in Europe on my own schedule, without importers or handlers (Friuli)...well this will be a first for me, well except for England and that hardly counts. (Gawd, do I sound like a douche!)

  4. Passionate Palate,
    Thanks for the tip! I am assuming the next suggestions has something to do with fornicating myself. am I right?!

  5. Yep, I'm going to need your itinerary because I'm thinking I'm going to hop in my car and drive on down your way!

  6. I suggest Sam and Sara Louise meet midway--Banyuls? Collioure?

  7. Sara,
    Oh you know it girlie. I will get you the details and we have got to make this happen.

    That's an idea and we are planning on going to Collioure, at least for a day trip while I'm there. I didn't mention it in the post but my closest friend Amy and her husband will be joining us for this adventure, and she has all kinds of things and day trips planned. I was thinking Sara and her hubby should come hang by the pool, have some dinner, drink way too much wine, (just guessing) and seeing as we have more rooms than people they could stay the night before driving back....but we shall see.

  8. I'm squealing too! Love me some Barcelona! (Tapas 24!) So so jealous you and Sara get to drink together! *2nd squeal*

  9. That sounds like a lot of fun. You deserve it. Some of my favorite times traveling are when in Spain.
    You'll be missed.

  10. Valerie,
    I'm all excited and junk too!

    I have had some wonderful times in Spain as well so I'm truly looking forward to this. You won't miss me a lick, you will still have Ronnie....he will keep you drinking wonderfully until my return!
