Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Not Your Target Market

I don't know, maybe there's something wrong with me but every time I ask, "Hey vagina, what do you feel like drinking tonight?" the damn thing never answers. Might be why things like this

Have absolutely NO appeal to me.
Maybe my vagina is broken....or I should try



  1. Strikes me that this is not what the feminist movement fought for. How can women expect equal pay for equal work when they buy into this crap? Hell, how can they expect to keep the vote? And talk about conflicted messages! Cupcakes and Skinny Girls? WTF?!!

  2. Totally WTF? on it all! Any woman who buys that crap should have her voter registration cancelled on grounds of obviously insanity.

    Sadly, what it really means is that young women continue to drink whatever to get drunk. It used to be Bartles and James, Boone's Farm, or Two Buck Chuck, and now it's all those cutesy pop drink girly "wines". (I can't imagine that they really are truly wine of any sort.)

    Someday they will grow up and start to learn about the real thing. Just don't keep pushing those stupid labels in my face!!

  3. John,
    No shit right? This shit right here is down-right insulting.

    I just don't get it. Nor can I, as a woman, ever imagine buying that shit because....because what? They have chicks on them? I stopped writing L and R on the bottom of my shoes when I was like 5, don't need a woman on a label to tell me what to drink. Pisses me off. Oh and look at you getting your "RAWR" on.

  4. Thomas,
    Unless you consider a beaver a critter, I guess so.

    Going to come out with my own wine label, Douchbag Cellars, the Cocksucker Cabernet, Suck This Sauvignon Blanc, Vigilante Viognier and Blow Me Blaufrankish ought to be HUGE with the frat boy set...maybe I'll even give a free hose, for rectal imbibing, with each case purchase.

    Dick heads....

  5. Two others for that list

    Calendar girl wines...


    If You See Kay wine


  6. Gigante,

    You're killing me here dude. Least the second one isn't all pansy and frilly but still....dammit.

  7. Seeing all of those bottles, makes me extremely grateful that I live in France. The French would never do this to their wine. Quelle horreur!

  8. Sara Louise: ever hear of Fat Bastard wine?

    Granted, it's not a chick wine--unless you are into that sort of thing.

    I know, I know, the brand is owned by Gallo, but which brand isn't?

  9. My Gorgeous Samantha,
    I think I need to conduct a blind tasting of all these vagina wines.

    It's kind of amazing what they allow on wine labels these days considering how much they hassled Francis Ford Coppola about putting the Statue of Liberty on his Edizione Penino Zin. I don't care, I'm all for freedom of speech, but it's amazing.

    One just shouldn't ever buy a wine with "cake" or "girl" in the name. Though I'm guessing Cake Girl wines would really sell. Not as well as Splooge Estate, but still...

    Now I'm going to go have a word with my vagina.

    I love you!

  10. Sara,
    The only silly label French wine I can think of, that is owned by a Frenchman, (unlike Fat Bastard) is the Arrogant Frog line. Really cheap but palatable stuff from the Languedoc. Just tasted through the line again and they are really nice for the price but, well it's the stupid name along with shit like, "Lilly pad white" on the label that actually keep me from bringing them in. Just makes my eyes roll...

    Ron My Love,
    You taste the vag wines, I'm not into that....not that there's anything wrong with it. Let me know how that conversation goes with your vagina, maybe you can teach me to get mine to respond when spoken to. I love you!

  11. Quite amazing--can't think of anything else to say about this.

  12. Sadly enough, I've seen it all and it sells to about half the potential buyers out there. But these are folks who don't care what they drink really. Piss in a bottle, or whoops I dropped a lemon in my water folks, as I like to call them.

    The other half, thank god, can taste the difference and are put off by such pandering.

  13. Susan,
    I didn't need to say much either...but I do like slipping in the word vagina whenever I can!

    I just find it insulting as a female wine drinker that some marketing company thinks this is how to appeal, or even that they need to appeal, to women. Bugs me.
