Monday, July 16, 2012

Anything Left?

So the ever sweet Sara over at one of my favorite non-wine blogs, Sara in Le Petit Village bestowed upon me one of these here "Sunshine Awards" a week or two ago. Always touched to receive these kind of things as it just reminds me that someone out there is thinking of me, and that, in my book, is way humbling. So thank you Sara! You are a total sweetheart and have become a dear friend as well. Who needs a silly wine blog award when I can get me a Sunshine one?! Like I said, very touching and I am damn proud to have it. Now that being said...

The questions we are asked to answer, after receiving said award are um, well...kinda lame. At least in the context of this here open-bookish kind of blog. Do any of you want to know what my favorite color, number or animal is? Can't imagine that you would. To be honest I can't imagine why you folks give a rat's ass in general but you still show up, read my silly rants and lusty purring, and for that too I am forever humbled and grateful.

So in the spirit of giving, (and in the spirit of being wicked busy therefore using this as a cheaters post) I thought I would scrap the nine Sunshine Awards questions and toss it out to you wonderful people. See if there was anything left for the people that read me, (trying to stop saying My Readers, makes me sound douchey, and my much adored Michael Sullivan of Beaune Imports breaks my bawls every time I say it!) to know? I am open to anything and will answer any questions any of you might have. Well, within reason, you ask me what size wear, not a chance in hell I'm answering that one, but other than that....cannot think of much I'm not willing to share. I have to wonder if there are even nine of you out there, even more compelling, are there nine things you don't already know?!

So fire away all. You can comment here, email me through the blog and message me on Facebook and I promise, I won't friend request you there. (wink) If you'd rather not have your name mentioned in my responses just let me know and you have my word that I will respect your wishes. Thanks again Sara my dear friend, let's see how this goes.


  1. Sam,

    I know almost nothing about your husband ... how about a quick summary of how you all became a "we"? Lame, I know, but i'm curious, just not yellow.

  2. Okay sweet, this takes up two questions. Thanks guys!

  3. hi samantha,

    i 'm a new reader, but figured i would ask a question to play along. can you tell us about one really fantastic wine-related experience you've had?

  4. Gabe,
    Well welcome! Love getting new readers, hope you stick. Okay that makes three and those of you that have been reading might feel bad for Gabe...not sure he knows what he's asking for with me on that one.

  5. Gabe, that's asking to open a veritable Pandora's box!

    Sam, my adored one- any one place, one moment, holding a glass of wine... Where and why?

  6. ADoC,
    Good one love and that makes 4...only need five more to make this go.

  7. Question 1. What's your favorite Real Housewives franchise? (I know you have one so don't even act like you don't)
    Question 2. - Who is your favorite Real Housewive?

    And I am fully aware that my questions are about as lowbrow as they can be and are symptomatic of what is wrong with America and my generation and the ones that have come after me, but I don't care, I like trash TV and let's just be thankful I didn't ask who you're favorite Mob Wife was.

  8. And I just realized that I typed; you're, instead of your. I'm blaming Bravo for my deteriorating brain cells.

  9. Sara,
    Your, (or is it you're?) questions are the shit my dreams are made of! You know me and you my dear friend, have nailed me on these two. Gonna be one odd ass post but I do in fact have answers to your questions and I cannot wait to share!

  10. Boxers or briefs? Oh wait, that's not right. Okay: you are driving across America and you can have three people join you for the journey. Strictly a platonic, engaging drive. Who's in and why?

    Return trip home, you are in an RV and now you can have three people to eat/drink with and, well the rig has a bed, so you can recreate at will. Who's in and why?

    Choices can be living/dead, famous/unknown. Sky's the limit.


  11. Winey,
    Have I mentioned that I might just be getting a crush on you? Damn fine question/questions and my mind is already racing...that right there, crush worthy. Gonna take your question as one which leaves 2 more. Can't wait to get this one going.

  12. If I don't make the cut for the X-country RV, I'll be CRUSHED you know...

    Here's my question:

    What's the one job/profession that could steal you away from the wine biz forever?

  13. Wayne,
    Damn, you're adorable. Now you too have my mind spinning. A job outside the wine business?! Gonna take some thinking, (not my strong suit) but okay, your question has been added. Gonna take the 9 number out of the equation now, got a couple via email to add so, well keep 'em coming all. Kinda fun actually....

  14. Wayne, erotic writing, silly. :-)

    Okay, my question. Preface: Two of my four children were born after my 40th birthday, one out of wedlock. I adore them all and wouldn't change anything. My question: What about another baby? (Please don't bwahaha, I'm serious.)

  15. Carolyn,
    No way would I ever blow off a question from someone that gives a crap about me. Never. On the list fine lady. Thanks for playing!
