Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Not Sure....

What happened
But at least I have this....

And rug burn
So it must have been good....


  1. that's why you get the Squirrel blog award - every time - 'cause you're a winner!

    Sgt. Sassafras

  2. I keep telling myself I am getting too old to have nights like that, but seem unable to take my own very good advice. Grateful for Red Bull, aspirin, and Taco Bell.

  3. If you're "Not Sure" then you may not remember how "Many" admired your physical appearance...and can you be sure it's rug burn and not beard burn???


  4. A night with Merritt I see - no matter what happened it had to be fun! Miss you...

  5. Thomas and Winey,
    Burns were on my elbows and while I'm not clear on all that happened last evening, (lost track somewhere after the two bottles at dinner and 3rd martini....think there was Irish Whiskey involved....shudder)but I was with people that took very good care of me and would never let me be quite that stoopid!

    I do love her so. Miss you too girlie.

  6. Uh. That Irish Whiskey you just mentioned....are you sure it wasn't an Irishman?

  7. Middle Child,
    Long time no see! Welcome back and thanks for commenting. I'm pretty sure I safely avoided any dude drama last night. Hard to tell from the picture but Evan, (um the dude in the photo) is a really big guy, sweet as all get out, total puddin' but HUGE. No one was messing with me last night, probably why I felt safe enough to get my wild child on in the first place. Guess it happens from time to time but holy mother of all feeling shitty, today was simply awful. Ugh.
