Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sunday Sermon

An extra thick line of jet black eyeliner

A bit of smudging around the eyes

An extra five minutes spent making my hair look like I just spent the last 30 minutes pressed up against a headboard

Red lips

Jeans frayed and two sizes too big

Top tight and three layers too thin

Going to worship at my alter

The alter of overindulgence……

Heading up to LA to Canter’s

Hot bowl of Matzo Ball Soup


Then home to make a batch of aioli before heading out to The Wine Country’s Grand Aioli

With my beloved son

Please forgive me my sins…..

Please grant me the strength to do them over and over again


  1. Nice! I've spent the last few hours worshipping at the alter of Tex-Mex food... poblano salsa, super strong margaritas, just barely *this side of the border* atmosphere.

    Sundays are lovely, aren't they?

  2. I might even drink Pastis in exchange for a hot pastrami or corned beef on rye with good mustard from Canter's. And pickles. Yes.

    This may not be wine food, but it is my soul food.

    I am envious, jealous and hungry.

  3. A grand aioli... yum! Or even just a rouget with rouille. With ice-cold Bandol Rose. HEaven.

    Like Augustine said: "lord make me chaste... but not yet." Eddie and I are thinking of closing the shop early and heading to Lokal, conveniently right behind us. In my near future: a liter boot of Kostritzer Black Lager, and homemade spaetzle with Gruyere, bacon and carmelized onions. "Forgive me, father, for I have sinned. My last confession was..."

  4. Vic,
    Gotta try and live up to that Diva moniker you gave me right?

    Oh My Sister I am so with you. Sundays are my salvation....when I am not working that is.

    Sir Charles,
    Baby you know I had you in mind when I picked Canter's. I had a Rueben with a pile of pickles and not one but two wish you would have been there with me. I made Jeremy eat a bowl of Matzo ball soup because just as you feeds the soul. Don't be jealous love, you were so with me in I will be with you when you drink that Pastis....tonight.

    I could wear a collar if it would make you feel more comfortable.

  5. maybe a nun's habit... just leave the ruler in the drawer.

  6. John, I've known many nuns with habits...

    I suppose for the benefit and understanding from us East Coasters, Canter's is cousin to Carnegie Deli?
    Are the waiters as funny and sarcastic?

  7. Thomas,
    Yeah I think it is kind of like that. The servers are mostly all female and many of them are cranky as hell! This one lady named Fran looks about 70, boobs that literally rest on her waistband and she is just feisty as hell. Cracks me up....

  8. I love Canter's. We used to live a few blocks from there and when our first kid was in a stroller all the old ladies working there knew him by name.

    Later, I worked with a Canter nephew. You want to talk about the royal treatment? Go to Canter's with a Canter. Wow. Talk about feeling like one of he family.

    I'm being transporter, right now, to Reuben heaven in my mind...

  9. Tom,
    That friggin' sandwich is perfect. Messy as hell but simply perfect. The meat is not over seasoned, the sauerkraut is still a little crunchy and not too sour, rye bread all crispy...damn was that good.

  10. I wanted to rip that sandwich out of the computer screen, can't get good sandwiches like that here.

    And I had aioli on Sunday too!

  11. My Gorgeous Samantha,

    When you write about the great restaurant landmarks of LA you make me want to move back. Not really anything like a Canter's within 100 miles of Healdsburg. I remember Fran too! She's somethin'. You know you're getting to be an old woman when you go wading in the ocean and your top gets wet first.

    I miss those great old joints in LA--and I worked in one. I'll never be in San Francisco often enough to learn its great old restaurants. You make me want to take a week off and go to Canter's, Musso and Frank's, Pacific Dining Car, Lawry's, the many more.

    I think I have a stomach ache now.

    I love you!

    Your HoseMaster

  12. Sara,
    I love those tiny French sandwiches and all but sometimes, well sometimes you need Canter's. Had a bit of a aioli meltdown Sunday afternoon when batch after batch would not set for me. Thankfully I work with a bunch of wonderful people that were willing to help me whip up a couple batches once I got to the party.

    Take the week off, get down here and I would LOVE to go to all those places with you. We could have cocktails, share sandwiches and slabs of red meat and I will lovingly rub your tummy between stops. I adore you!

  13. Yum! Makes me ALMOST miss LA and wish I didn't cancel my trip to there next week.

  14. Tamara,
    Well when you do come we should do a little LA tasting....I can rub your tummy too.

  15. El Cholo! The best Mexican restaurant. Even if it sits in the middle of Koreatown. Man, sometimes I really miss L.A.
