Friday, August 13, 2010

Am I Just A Snob Or Is This Just Wrong?

"Sam I have a new post for you" Dale told me as she handed over the sample of The Wine Diaper she was sent. I'm not against the idea, rather fond of my wine arriving in one piece and my clothes not wreaking of Sauvignon Blanc but....really? Nothing? Nothing else came to you when thinking of a name for what is really a rather useful contraption? What's next for release the tampon bottle stopper?!

Honestly, swear to Bacchus the first thing I thought was, "Well isn't that handy, a carrier and port-a-potty"

Gonna have to toss this in the Veto pile and stick with......


Slightly less stupid name and far less image provoking for me.


  1. All I have to say is... what the hell?

    That is one mom to little kids who had a touch too much 'mommy juice' when she came up with that idea.

  2. what they need to create is a diaper that you put on your children, and when they wet, the diaper filters the pee as it comes in, and when it comes out the other side: perfectly-aged '47 Cheval-Blanc.

  3. Another Day of Crazy,
    The thing is freaking lined with the same shit, (yes intended) as a diaper. It just grosses me out.

    Um ewe dude. Just you wait until that beautiful little bundle of yours starts producing a horrific stank, then...then you shall never even think twice of drinking anything that comes out of a diaper no matter how many times it has been filtered.

  4. Maybe it *is* a porta-potty to pee in if you've had too mcuh wine??

  5. I swear that was the very first thing I thought...I should write a shelf talker for this thing.

  6. Oh, let me have my fun, Samantha!

  7. Ummm ... nyo. Partly because I've not spewed forth human life from my own loins and can't get on board with the whole "diaper" thing in the first place. Partly because - no, that's it. Wines (most) should be treated as something better than the part velcro/part nuclear waste that diapers were meant to contain. (I shouldn't be drinking and posting, should I?)

  8. So, you don't think my idea for the wine condom is a good one, Sam?

  9. Valerie,
    Well if you like anything you see here chances are I was drinking and posting so....I think it's the best way to post!

    Whatever creams yer twinkie dude.

    Too fucking cutsie for moi.

    Don't give them any ideas kid!

  10. My Gorgeous Samantha,

    Now I would think you'd need the diapers only for your older wines, like you do your older commenters.

    I guess it Depends.

    I love you!

    Your LeakMaster

  11. Mr. HoseMaster Sir,
    Maybe you should tell your Brown Movement people about these....

  12. It would pair nicely with the diapers that are supposed to look like jeans.

  13. I can get you a sample of the wine tampon, but I'll have to pull some strings...

  14. abc,
    My little boyfriend's little brother has those things. Gotta tell you, they are pretty damned cute. Might be because he is freaking adorable too...

    El Jefe,
    Har har Mr. Funny Man and um....ewe.

  15. Hi Sam--

    What is it with you and Ron both doing bathroom humor in the same week?

    I used to carry much more wine around on my travels than I do now. But if I do bring wine with me, I put in one of the awful but indestructable styrofoam shippers. Wine in the bellies of planes is often not protected against temperature changes and the styrofoam not only keeps the stuff from breaking but also reduces the temperture shift.

    Diapers are for people. Diapers are for shit. But, of course, if you are carrying shitty wine on border, I guess those things would be OK.

  16. Puff Depends Daddy,
    That HoseMaster is an inspiration to us all right?

    If I am only taking a couple bottles, (so that would be an overnight trip) I use the Wine Mummy but most of the time I am taking 6 or more bottles and I do get a shipper and check it as luggage. Never had a problem and when you visit places like Louisville and have things like 2004 Pinot Grigio looking you in the face, well it is a must.

  17. Didn't you hear? In addition to the Wine Diaper for younger vintages, they now offer Pull-Ups for the older ones.
