Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Had No Idea

Lost it. I completely lost it here. Had no idea how moving this would be....

Until I was there....

Thank you
I am so sorry...
And thank you


  1. Dude, I would be done, no way would I have been able to keep it together but what a neat experience.

  2. I don't think I could ever go there.

  3. That would have been a difficult one.
    My Dad and my grandmother marched on Washington with him. I know that thousands of other people did as well, but it's something I'm so proud of, I work it into conversation every chance I get

  4. k2,
    Was not easy I assure you but it was something I have always wanted to feel...not so much see but feel and I did. It was powerful, painful and saturated with sadness but I am thankful I did it..

    I would be proud too. I always wish on some level that I had been able to be a part of that but my life would not be possible, me and my son without those brave people...simply amazing.
