Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Thought I Would Wait A Day.....

While Boston May Have.....


Los Angeles Has.....

D Fish

Sorry Charlie


  1. Cold, Sam. That's cold.

    But I still love you.

  2. Green Daddy,

    Oh c'mon you had to laugh at the Charlie Tuna with 3 cans! Dude I was so proud of myself...was giggling through the whole thing. Just think of the time I spent thinking of ways to slip under your skin....

    Oh and Charlie, I love you too!

  3. Chowder? That was no chowder. That was a complex stew that the Celtics served up tonight.

    Get that Chardonnay chilled, Sam.

  4. Green Daddy,
    Milky, creamy and lacking texture...chowder or the Celtics starters without the refs?

    Okay love this one went to your guys in green. I am so bitter and chaffed right now but I will bow to you and your green team...fuck.

    Now I know for sure I love you.
    Whimper....Rombauer, really?

  5. Only the Lakers are cool enough to have a song about them (Red Hot Chili Peppers, "Magic Johnson.") Just sayin'.

  6. I don't need no stinking song. I've got Rondo and Pierce.
