Sunday, June 13, 2010

Such A Smooth Talker

So what would have me out walking the apartment complex on a sleepy Sunday morning.....

"Sam" said in a whispering tone but not a whispering decibel level, "Yets go look for the ducks".

"No I can't I'm in my jammies" I protest

"It's okay I am too, no one will see us" again with the implication of whispering but not really whispering at all.

Screen and heart open I emerged from my apartment and did something I have not in as many years as I can remember, walked around outside, in the daylight. My aging breasts not lifted and supported, my face naked, hair still wild from its snuggle with the pillow. Me unpainted, unprotected...sans everything but my absolute adoration for a tiny, big voiced kid in jammies with puppies on them holding a piece of bread to feed the ducks.

We walked, talked, stuck our feet in the still wet grass and made footprints on the pavement. Weaving our way through the complex his voice booming and leading the way as we passed others out exploring on a Sunday our jammies and pillow hair. Only for him, only with him would I do this. Only because of him do I feel so safe, so adored, so comfortable without my layer of little bits of armor. Destroyed, any little bit of badass reputation that remained was destroyed by a four year old in puppy jammies.



  1. Funny how a child can make us children, too. A happy morning.

  2. Twas an amazing morning and the lessons that can be, (and should be) learned by having a tiny four year old palm pressed deeply in yours....the sweet big-eyed face of true love, well it melted me and reminded me what is truly important.

  3. Exactly the kind of grannie I am. I'm the FUN one.Proud of you. These are the things they'll remember.

  4. Middle Child,
    Welcome and thanks for taking the time to comment. I wish I could take some credit but it's just Tyler and the power he has over me....wrecks me that kid.

  5. Impossible to say no to! Impossible!!
    And I love how kids have a whisper-shout.

  6. Oh Sara I wish I could articulate this little monster/lover's voice. It is like nothing I have ever heard, I swear he gathers the steam with which he produces it from like his toes or something. Amazing and I swear I will post a video one of these cute as that picture of him is it simply does NOT do him justice...gotta see it in action. Freaking puddle over here...
