So this is both an explanation and a heads up as it were. I was trying to get a post up before I left for vacation, see this is where I’m like “Splain-in myself” and stuff…that last post, (insert hanging head here) just crap, freaking all over the place and random as hell. I just felt like I needed to get something up, let those of you that read this crap, (and I love you by the way) and check in daily, know that I have not given up or forgotten to pay Google for my blog account. I’m still here, still ranting, drinking and tasting wine…just been terribly distracted by my impending vacation. That makes it sound like I am all set, prepared and have lists of fantastic things I’m planning on doing…so not true, not packed, still need to pick up the dry cleaning and have no idea how I’m going to work my laptop on this trip…by distracted I mean I have been sitting on my couch going, “How much longer???”.
So tomorrow I am skipping across the pond, heading out for my first trip to London, (okay so the one thing I do have prepared, I have a list of 23 pubs and 1 cheese store that I have to check out) my first real vacation this year…man, it is so needed. I’ve always wanted to go to London and I thought it would be a perfect fit for the hubby’s first trip to Europe, you know because they kind of speak English there and stuff.
I hope to be posting from London, like bragging about the cool shit I’m seeing while you all read me in your cubicles and what not…not rubbing it in, only sharing people….don’t hate the vacationer, hate the fact that my ass will be roaming the streets of historic London while you turn in your quarterly reports. Cheer-E-Oo all!
Sam -
Have so much fun and drink a pint of ale for me! See you in a couple of weeks - and I'm so freakin excited too...
My Gorgeous Samantha,
For just a brief time, England will be a more beautiful place than America.
Bon Voyage!
I love you
Your HoseMaster
Just one pint?C'mon girlie you can do better than that.
Damn....the things you say, (blushing). I adore you and am going to miss my daily hose dose more than you know.
So jealous! I do hope you blog from London though I would understand if you don't - the city is freaking cool even though it is a tad cloudy and rainy - I don't know why but it still has a special place in my heart. Have a blast, Sam and Carl!
Wow, nothing like an advance woman for my trip to London, post early, post often. Enjoy, I'm only two weeks behind you. No side trip to Paris?
So far I have to agree, very cool town and the people are wicked nice. I still plan on blogging so long as my Internet holds out, kind of seeing this a practice run if I ever get to France again.
So happy to help! Will this be your first trip? If it's your first I have a couple small tips that I learned the first night. Have a car service pick you up from Heathrow, it was like $40.00 and so worth it! Works out to a couple bucks more than taking the tube and then a taxi but after that long ass flight not having to navigate in a new place..worth it. Also, um...they have, (at least in my hotel) American outlets, so if you were thinking of, oh I don't know, bringing your French flat iron or blow dryer...not gonna hair looks totally lame. Locals told us to stay away from the black taxis, and they are everywhere..guess they like to take the LONG way to milk a few more pounds outta newbies.
New side trip to Paris this time, (oh how I wish) we are pretty short staffed back at the shop so I had to make this a shorter vacation this time. I plan on posting as often as I can and if there was anything in particular you wanted me to scope out just let me know, very loose plans for us this trip.
Hey, i just came back from London with my LastMinuteTravel deal and i must to mention that London is the REAL City-of-lights. Well perhaps i just thought so cause i saw some lights through my Hotel window after i came from the pub with 5 beers experience:)
Hey, i just came back from London with my LastMinuteTravel deal and i must to mention that London is the REAL City-of-lights. Well perhaps i just thought so cause i saw some lights through my Hotel window after i came from the pub with 5 beers experience:)
I have spent few days in London with my friends, so I know how great it is to be there. I visited some of the beautiful places and still at my free times i think about them.
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