Saturday, September 26, 2009

Counting Down....

Seven days, in seven days I will be working the Zinfandel tasting, (my personal favorite) at The Wine Country and then hopping a plane to Dallas Texas with my girl, my muse, my Amy. She moves out of her home on Wednesday night and into mine for a few days while Sexy Bitch drives their dogs out to Texas. I offered to fly out with Amy and the cat so she would not be alone and to make the whole thing a little easier on her….and me. I’m sure we will have a blast the 4 days that I’m there; the wine has been picked and will be driven with the dogs so it will be there, cold and waiting for us when we land. She and I will see where they are to live, (temporary housing) for the first time together and she already has a list of the spots she found on previous trips, for us to check out. Gonna be fun but I fear that I will be a mess when I board my flight home….leaving her there.

So right now we are on full speed, cramming as much fun and wild behavior as we can into the week we have left. Trying not to crumble into bags of weepy sadness, that has never been what we are about….even though the sadness is very real, and very painful….but we are focused on having these last few days be full of what made us all love each other in the first place…inhibition.

Wednesday night while properly pickling ourselves at Interlude we hatched our next plan. What could we do that would personify our quirky little gang of “personalities”? Where could we go that would be very Us….self indulgent, buzzy, not quite fitting into the “this is what you should be doing” mold. Didn’t take long to come up with it, can’t remember who said it first but like dominos, we all fell. “I’m in” has become my infamous answer to damn near every absurd, shifty, blindly stupid thing Amy has ever suggested….we are convinced that we are going to kill each other one of these days…so when our outing for tonight was suggested, I was the first to shrug and say, “I’m in”.

Right after I post this I will be jumping in the shower, drying and curling my hair…gotta pimp the curls for such an occasion, buttoning up my oversized man’s shirt and slipping my favorite tie over my head, maybe even a swath of red lipstick might be in order. Heading over to The Vortex, (that had its final walk through with the new owners today…boo) for some Agrapart Brut Rose, Herve Azo Petit Chablis, mini meatball sandwiches and other assorted snacks. We will drink, laugh and try to avoid looking nervous as we all climb into the van and head out for the evenings destination….Le Bar de la Boobage, awesome. Me thinks that Sunday shift I have to work is going to be rough….


  1. My Gorgeous Samantha,

    So let me get this straight--you're all going to a strip club? Man, it's gonna be tough on the dancers when you Babes get more stares than they do. Hell, I'm having my own private pole dance just thinking about it.

    I love Samantha Sans Dressage.

    Your HoseMaster

  2. Ron,
    There you are, thought you had left me....I was heart broken. Yes we did the strip club thing last night, freaking loved it! Damn girls are hot, no wonder you are the way you are. Feeling like slightly warmed over shit this morning, gonna be a long day but at least I can say, "I was petted by a girl in a g-string and I liked it".....gawd.

  3. My Gorgeous Samantha,

    I'd never leave YOU! No, Darling, I was busy swirling and spitting all week--sounds like you did some of that yourself...

    Sounds like a night of Pastis and Pasties--make mine a double.

    I love you

    Your HoseMaster

  4. Strip clubs are magical. I can check off a handful of items off my "things to do before I die" list. Let's see...

    Compare boobs (real v. fake) with a stripper named "Sexy"...check

    Motor boat a voluptuous stripper named "Jessi" and be motor boated by said stripper...check

    Had a stripper show me pictures on her phone of her boyfriend while taking shots of tequila...check

    Driven a 12 passenger van full of 5 drunk people home from a strip club while one is hanging out the sliding door because it's too "hot"...check

    I'm sure there's more, but I can't remember because I was on the sauce.

  5. Merzie and My Gorgeous Samantha,

    How do I help you check off more things on your To Do List?

    I love you

    Your HoseMaster
