Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Profoundly Stupid

The Butterfly Wine Opener

Designed to keep the, "Romance" alive when opening a bottle of wine with a

If you see the cork as the romantic part, there's a bigger problem.


  1. Wouldjabelieve some have used a standard butterfly corkpuller on a screwtopped wine?....

  2. Arthur,
    As a matter of fact....I once spent 30 minutes on the phone with a customer that called to tell us that a wine we sold them had no cork and the foil, well the foil was really hard to remove..."Um, yeah..but you see"

    Guess they are marketing to restaurants for the most part, but it will trickle down, (the one time that asshole theroy works) and we will have people coming in looking for one...grumble

  3. My Gorgeous Sam,

    Oh, sorry, my mistake. I saw the title of the post and thought it was about me.

    I'll just tiptoe out of here...

    Your HoseMaster
