Sunday, July 26, 2009

Don't You Hate....

Dontcha hate it when you wake up naked and have no idea where your purse is?

Never happened to you?

Um, me either....


  1. Worst feeling in the world - like your heart is going to jump out of your chest if it weren't for the "fuzzy head" keeping you from moving too fast!

    This has always been the "true" validation that the night before was maybe a wee bit too drunk...

  2. Where would your purse be, if you are naked???

    Oh, I get it ;)

  3. Jess and Thomas,
    I was such a monster yesterday, woke up feeling a little fiesty, got to work and we were doing a Rose tasting so I was doing the whole, "One for you, two for me" a phone call that pushed me right into full RAWR mode....suffering for it today, maybe time to mount that horse again...

  4. I can't remember the last time I was drunk.

    But then, who can?

  5. Thomas,
    Exactly! Another one of my favorites, "It does not count if the room is spinning" many uses for that little gem.

  6. My Gorgeous Sam,

    Truly must have been that phone call that messed you up. That was your mistake; I try never to talk on the phone naked. Though if I do, at least I have a fabulous place to hang a note pad and pen.

    OK, I had to read the post eight times to get past the "naked" part. Made it really hard (ahem) to care about your purse.

    I adore you,
    Your HoseMaster

  7. My Sweet Ron,
    I just knew...knew you would key in on the nekkid part of this post, made me chuckle just thinking about that...thanks for giving a crap about my purse, and for the call....

  8. All of a sudden, I feel like a voyeur...

  9. Thomas,
    It's Ron's notepad right? Dude is always stealing my thunder...

  10. Sam,

    Remember Chauncey Gardener: "I love to watch."

  11. Damn, is it getting warm in here or is it just me?!

  12. My Gorgeous Sam,

    If it were you, it would be unbearably HOT!!!

    I adore you, My Love,

    Your HoseMaster
