Tuesday, June 9, 2009


So while I hoped to see....

What I got was....

Which feels like....

That stinked


  1. Hi Gorgeous,

    Sorry about the Lakers, but I have a theory. Kobe wants to prove he can win a title without Shaq, therefore he has to clank free throws in the fourth quarter.

    I send you a long, passionate hug.

    Your HoseMaster

  2. Ron,
    Thank you for that extra special reminder of why last night was like having my heart ripped, still beating from my chest....sigh.
    Kobe has pissed me off the last two games...dude you cant even make a layup, quit trying to make 3's and pass the f'ing ball already! grumble....I'll just slink off with my Hose Master hug and pout.

  3. Hi Gorgeous,

    You didn't really want it to go only four games, did you? That's like sports premature ejaculation. Make it last, Sam! Much more satisfying.

    Your HoseMaster

  4. Ron,
    I'm sitting here with Chuck Morris who wants me to say "hello" to you...you know everyone dude.

    You are right, the longer the more satisfying but I'm also a practical female, the promise of future pleasure does not always pan out...in our favor, I'll take that bird in the hand thank you!

  5. Gorgeous Girl,

    Is that Larry Bird in your hand? Or is he just happy to see me?

    Yup, I do know everybody and I am universally scorned. Say Hi to Chuck for me! Cool guy. Don't tell him about my stupid blog...

    Your HoseMaster

  6. Ron,
    Larry Bird??!! A Celtic, and an ugly Celtic on top of it, humpf!

    Chuck is a cool cat and I did show him your blog, right up his alley as it is funny as hell! Chuck is a compu-tard, (much like myself) so he would have never found it on his own. Hell just means more hits for me as he will forgoet the name, have to go to my blog, find your name and then click on it to read...I'm still waiting for my 11 hits a day status dude.
