Thursday, May 7, 2009

Stop It...

I respectfully request that we stop:














I have more...


  1. You KNOW you want to participate in a Snuggie Crawl!!!!

    Admit it!!!!

  2. Stop It! And can I just say, "Mother F' groan if I ask you to read one of my posts when you are here, but you go out of town and read you do!"

    I was kinda buzzy last night, got lost thinking about the things that piss me off, thought it would be fun....then once I started coding the pictures in I started getting sleepy and wondered why I even started! (grin)

  3. KISSES!!!!

    See you tomorrow!!!!

  4. Great post!!!! Love it!

    You may rethink' your hatred of snuggies when you peek this (warning- lots of f-bombs in the lyrics)

  5. I would just like to add one thing to your list: self-service check-out at the grocery store! Fruit & veggies don't have bar codes.

  6. True Dat Amy...just say NO to the self check out! Still cannot believe I consumed stollen avocado...

  7. LOLOL hilarious!!!! You don't like bark mulch!??

  8. I also don't understand self-check-out - I don't want to steal!!!!!

  9. Nancy,
    I was going for oak chips, not bark....I actually have no feeling about bark at all. The picture just looked like wine stained oak chips to me...

    Self checkout is lame, and will likely end us costing more money in the long run, sure you save on staffing but theft goes up...lame, lame, lame. I know I have once eaten a stollen item, not because the person that was buying it didnt want to pay for it, but they could not find it on the lookup dealie!
