Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Second Debate

Second Debate
So what did I think........seemed like a lot of....

With all the, "My freinds" and, "Thank you for that question".....let me think....who else over thanks people for their questions and then fails to answer them or give a flying crap about what people really want......who was that.....Oh yeah, GEORGE W BUSH.......felt like I was watching more of the same, in the same pinched little package.

The whole thing reminded me of that kid at school that thought he was smarter than everyone....you know the kid, the one no one would play with becuase they were retentive and would tattle if you said a dirty word....yeah that kid. McCain looked like that kid going after the cool kid in class......one problem.....this cool kid is way smarter.

Get back to your hall monitoring and tutoring the, "Prom Queen".....let the really smart guy make some real change.

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