Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My Bad

Okay, so the newsletter took most of my time the last week so I have been a wretched blogger...just looked and it has been like 4 days since I posted anything...awe. I swear it was like 2 days ago when I posted last but clearly, I'm wrong. Wow, I was all bragging about sucking less and here I am sucking at posting for my beloved blog...poop.

So I am going to get my rump in gear folks, I am off for three days and I am going to pound out as much as I can. We have Rose coming in...one is here and I am drinking it now, we had a South American tasting...could write about that, my friend and favorite importer has been sending me fantastic pictures while on his trip to France...waiting to get the okay to post those and I am going to watch a friends husband get his rock star on, (playing in a punk rock band) tomorrow night so I'm thinking there should be some fun stuff coming soon....

Just wanted to throw something up to let you all know that I have not dropped off the face of the planet, still here....just sucked dry of verbage!

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