Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Latest Favorite Toast

So while watching one of my, "Okay I admit it I'm addicted" television shows, (No Reservations...yeah, I'm a sheep I think Bourdain is mad sexy. I would dig hanging with him and he might even be able to hang with me in the tossing them back department. Not to mention that swath of salt and pepper that in my fantasies, is worth the climb) I heard a toast that so grabbed my ear....and wiggled its way right into my heart;

"To our getting lost together"...well it was To our getting lost, I added the together...I think, damn I wish I knew how to work the Tivo or whatever it is we have!

Anyhow, after a much needed 3 day weekend, including a Saturday....a Saturday...off where I did little more than practice my sit up and lay down moves I met up The Wine Country girls. The evening started with Champagne and ended with Jamison...that and a lot of dancing. I spilled into bed around 3:00 am and woke...still affected but knew I was meeting friends, (Vicki and her wife Deb) for breakfast/brunch/lunch. You know, hairspray and dancing...bad mix as far as trying to pull off the ol' "jump out of bed, splash on the 7 minute makeup and go" look. Whatever, brushed out the curls and worked the white fro for lunch.

Cocktails, massive amounts of not-every-day-grub and great conversation...a couple hours later I was again with the, up and down couch moves. Sunday night was pizza, big salad....lots of water and a bottle of Veramonte Sauvignon Blanc, ($9.99). I drink a shameful amount of this wine...especially for a French wine buyer, as it is a lovely little SB from Chile. Tons of green notes, citrus and a nervy acidity that just keeps me coming back over and over again.

Today was just the hubby and I and while I love my weekends full of wine, food and friends, it was nice to just.....shhhhhh. I spoke little, did NO work and barely even played around on the Interwebs.

The thing that I loved when I heard that toast....could have been toasting on Saturday night, Sunday morning or Monday afternoon...fit every situation, dig that!

So with a glass of 2007 Sylvain Bailly Quincy, ($15.99, grapefruit, lime rind, tart melon with a sexy mouth feel and a snappy stone rich finish) in my hand I raise it to all of you....Here is to getting lost together

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